Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Funny Things

My mother told me to write down the funny things my kids do and say, but did I, no. Here are the few I've remembered thus far; not everyone will think these are funny, but I do.

Avery was teasing Logan the other day by singing a song about he and his friend...
Avery: Logan and Jacob sitting in a tree, l-m-t-p-e-e-g (we're working on spelling)
Logan: Avery and Christina sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g
Mom: Cut it out, both of you
Sometime later...
Ellie: Logan and Jacob sitting in a tree, m-l-m-l-n-n-p (she's three)
Mom: Ellie, I asked Logan and Avery to stop that, now you stop it too. That is not a nice song.
Ellie: (still singing) Logan and Jacob are NOT sitting in a tree...

Out of the blue...
Ellie: Dad, I don't think you're stupid.
Dad: Uh, thanks, Ellie.

Avery: Logan, do you think I'm weird?
Logan: Yes you are.
Avery: That's okay, I think you're stupid.

In reference to something he finds amazing...
Logan: It's changing my mind!

Long story short, Avery had a primary lesson about sins and the teacher gave each child a bag of rocks to represent sins. Upon arriving home from church Logan swiped the bag and Avery exclaimed...
Avery: Give me my sins back!!

Funny Story...This actually happened about 3 years ago, but I'm still laughing about it.
I'm watching television in my room and I hear a commotion coming from the kitchen. I look down the hallway to see tiny Avery with a terrified/gleeful expression on her face running/waddling down the hallway at her top speed. In her chubby fist is the last Reese's Peanut Butter cup from the refrigerator. Now, close on her tail is Logan, crawling on hands and knees because he sprained his ankle playing at the mall. He has tears streaming down his face as he tries to catch up, something he's normally able to do within seconds. I am laughing so hard at this scene that I can't even stand up. Avery runs to me for safety and Logan sobs out the story. He had crawled off the couch and into the kitchen. He'd opened the fridge and was about to get the candy when little Avery, seeing the only chance she would ever have in her life to beat Logan, hurried around him and snatched the candy from the shelf before he could. Then it hit her what she'd done and she fled for her life. Triumph battled with extreme fear as the impossible happened and she outran her brother. In the end Logan got the candy, Avery got a hug, and I got blackmail material.


Lyndsay Detro said...

Those stories are very funny! I had a good laugh over them. And your mom is right, you definitely need to write those things down, something I'm not very good at either.

Maria Hart said...

Two more funny Logan stories:
1. I distinctly recall you telling us a story about one of those awful Sacrament meetings, when the kids are being pill-buckets. You gave Logan some cars to play with which he immediately began crashing together, complete with sound effects. With each crash came the sound, "Damnit! Damnit!"
2. On one of our rare visits, I think when we were moving out to ID, I was fixing the girls' hair in the morning. Angie was 4, so Logan must have been 3. He must have thought it was fun to get hair done because he begged me to do his hair. Of course Aunt Maria would say yes! When Brent, tough, manly Brent, got home, his very dry reply with clear revulsion in his eyes was... "Nice hair Logan."