Thursday, January 15, 2009

Funny Names and Misinterpretations

Narbles: Ellie's word for marbles
Nerbles: Logan's word (when he was younger) for those little bean toys
Moogies: Logan's word for movies when he was 2
Pillie, Milkie, Juicie, Mrs. Stewartie, etc.: Avery's endearing names for EVERYTHING including her teacher
Tatie: Ellie's name for my sister Katie
Tormadoes: Logan's word for tornadoes when he was little (he loved watching "Twister")
Eeeeee Yah: Logan's name for "Toy Story" when he was little, interpretation: "To infinity and beyond" (it took us a LONG time to figure this one out)
Cheese Toasties: A.K.A. grilled cheese sandwiches
Daddy's Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats, the kids ask for Daddy's cereal rather than by name brand
Iego: Ellie uses this to refer to a specific Diego episode and not the show in general, it also took a while to figure out exactly what she wanted
Penglins: Ellie's word for penguins
Door Knocks: Ellie's name for door knobs
Affcan: Logan's name for his afghan that Nana gave him

Logan had made me angry (not hard to do) and I was explaining to him (lecturing him) about how he should act and what he was never to do. I made a statement ending with "never again in my presence" and the lecture continued. When my tirade was over Logan thoughtfully asked, "Presents? What presents?"

Obviously I use very final terms in my lectures because Ellie has begun using the same terms in her everyday conversations. Ex.: "Mom, I love you forever." "Dad, I'll never pour water on my food ever again." "Mom, I'm never going to get in Sammy's face anymore." These would all be fine and good if she didn't go back on her word within seconds of her proclamations.

Several years ago I got ambitious and thought I'd start up Family Home Evening. I planned a great lesson for little Logan and Avery. I decided we'd talk about Noah and the Ark. We pretended to be different animals and had each other guess which animal we were. I also put on a production of the story of Noah's Ark with finger puppets. The story went through how Noah was told to build the ark and all the townspeople told him he was stupid, but they were sorry when they found out he was right. At the end of the lesson I asked Logan what he had learned. He picked up the finger puppets of Noah and the townspeople and shouted, "Noah, you're stupid!" Family Home Evening has failed many times since.


Lyndsay Detro said...

Loved the FHE story!! Very cute!

Sarah Burgoyne said...

Funny, Hannah called Diego Iego for a long time :) I too really loved the FHE story, classic.