Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy!

I got a job! I will be starting as an RN July 22, on the night shift. It is on the StepDown unit where I already work as a health care technician. I am so excited! Many students are still without jobs so this is a very wonderful thing for me.

In unrelated news, Sophie killed a garder(sp) snake today. I looked out the window to see her rolling on it and flipping it into the air. She looked confused when it no longer tried to escape. A quick call to the vet reassured me that she would not be harmed if she consumed it. I took it away, though. She was very disappointed.


Shelly said...

Yeah!!!! Congrats!!!

Andrea said...

that is so awesome! congratulations!

Lyndsay Detro said...

Congratulations!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!

the Corbin Clan said...


Jenna Z said...

Super! Congrats to you, that is wonderful news!

Heather S said...

Holly...this is great news. I am so happy for you!

Sarah Burgoyne said...

I keep meaning to congratulate you... Congratulations!! I'm highly impressed :)

Maria Hart said...

Better late than never... huge congratulations on your graduation. That is such a huge achievement, especially with a family in tow! I recall quite clearly how emotional, how great, it felt to walk the line and get the diploma, and to see John and Angie waving. I still get teary thinking about it. I hope your big day was emotional and amazing!

Maria Hart said...

I meant the lateness of my comment, not the lateness of your degree. Oh dear!

Holly said...

It would have been correct either way. This degree was a long time coming.

Thanks everyone for all of the congratulations.