Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little Maroons Preschool

We have had the wonderful opportunity to have had all three of our children participate in the Little Maroons Preschool. The kids go three days a week for only $20 a month. It's run by the Child Development teacher at Central High School and her students. The little kids all have at least one "big friend" that caters to their every need.

This young man was Ellie's favorite "big friend" and I often found her sitting in his lap listening to a story when I came to pick her up.

Ms. Yago is the Child Development teacher and does a wonderful job of managing the little kids and the big kids too.

The kids performed several songs for us as part of their "graduation".

Caroline is Ellie's best friend. We met her family at church and because the preschool is so fun and inexpensive, it is highly populated with Latter-day Saint families.


Sarah Burgoyne said...

I miss Little Maroons... to be honest I really just miss 9 hours a week for $20 a month :) We pay $100 a month for 5 hours a week :( Is it strange that I noticed that Mrs. Yago has grown her hair out?

Monica said...

So I just searched "little maroons" in google to find information about it and your blog was the third thing to come up.

But I'm happy because it reminded me to subscribe to your blog. Now I'm going to be a faithful reader!

AdamW said...

Hey, Holly! I found your blog by Googling "Little Maroons." :) It's a small world! Do you have a phone number I could call to reach the preschool? I'm trying to think ahead for next year!

Lisa said...

P.S. That last comment was mine, not Adam's. :)