Leaving Illinois the temp was in the 90s. Arriving in Idaho we found we had packed the wrong clothes. The temp was often in the 60s and occasionally hit 70s. It rained for the first three days we were there, then we made up for lost time.
We went to the Zoo in town.
We went to a hot springs followed by a riverside picnic.
Another day we saw some waterfalls and had another picnic. Logan really liked the falls.
On our way to the first set of falls we passed a sign directing to a hidden falls. Pam and Brent said they'd never been, so we went to find them on our way home. They were far off the beaten path. We saw a bear on the road ahead of us, but by the time we caught up, the bear was nowhere to be found. The kids had a great time hiking the trail and touching the water along the raging river.
I made them pose for pictures on some rocks.
Logan found that he could milk money out of Gramma and Grampa by doing some chores. So he did the dishes and learned to mow the lawn.
Cousins came to visit and we hit some more sites. Craters of the Moon was our first stop- an expansive lava bed full of craters and caves. It was REALLY windy out there.
We hiked a butte.
Our favorite activity was going to an amusement park. Brent and Logan went on every rollercoaster they could. Avery barely made the height requirement, but she wasn't as psyched as Logan. Ellie was still too small, but she and I had some fun together. I got lots of video, which I'm not posting. Apparently I only got pics of the carousel.
And that was our vacation! Whew, I'm tired, I need a vacation at home.
I was just thinking about you the other day! Glad to see your summer is going well! I was thinking about you because now that we live closer to Clark Park then Eisner Park, I was wondering if Eisner had had their concert in the park already this year. Clark Park has a TON of activities throughout the year, we went to the July 4th party. They also have a night where you camp out in tents in the park with a movie in the park and breakfast the next morning! And Christmas tree lighting ceremony! Let me know if you want info about any of those.
Definitely. Clark Park is in such a lovely neighborhood. The kids and I love the wood house, we like to play "Three Little Pigs".
I don't know about Eisner's concert. I haven't heard it, but then I work nights so I'm not always around.
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