At some point Brent saw Ellie run into our room and then out again very quickly. It took a moment to register, but he knew something was amiss. He went into the hallway and came back, eyes wide with fear. I caught his gaze and thought the one thing all mother's think at least once during the day, "What now?!".

I stepped cautiously into the hallway, composing myself, and I see Ellie, her beautiful hair hanging in tatters, what's left of it that is. Then I see Avery at the end of the hall, scissors in hand. As soon as her frightened eyes meet my blazing pair she drops the scissors and runs out the back door. I quickly grab up the scissors and I am holding them like a weapon. I point them at Brent then out the back door and I say, "Destroy her before I do". He runs to his duty (actually he was trying to spare her my wrath).

I calm myself, I know this could be funny if it weren't so awful right now. So I document it, I take pictures, and then Ellie and I make a hurried trip to the mall to get it fixed. At the mall, the hairstylists all giggle and share stories of their own sibling stylists experimenting with them. I continue to tell myself that this will be funny, but it's not yet.
Once home, Avery walks warily around me and Ellie flaunts her

Weeks later I have become accustomed to Ellie's hairstyle, everyone at church thought it was adorable. It's a good thing she's so cute, not everyone could pull off that style and maintain such a high level of cuteness.
Oh my goodness! She did quite a job with those scissors. Very impressive! Why is it that we can't sit through one TV show with out drama happening????? =)
The haircut is very cute and spunky. These are the great stories that kids love to hear over and over again. It's terrible while it is happening, but hilarious after a few months. Welcome to the blogging world. Keep the photos of the kids coming... my kids love them!
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