I swear she's got jungle cat somewhere in her genetic make up. Sophie is half lab, half pit bull, she's not quite a year old yet and she's very spunky.
Sophie doesn't walk, she stalks. As she prowls through the back yard every sinew is poised and ready to strike should some defenseless squirrel cross her path (we've already had a fatality, Logan thought it was hilarious).
We have an older dog, Sam, and he's become her favorite chew toy.
At every opportunity she's biting his neck, his legs, his tail, anything directly accessible. Sophie knows exactly where to latch on that will most effectively bring her opponent down. As Sam trots down off the deck to the back yard Sophie lunges after him, wraps her wolf-like jaws around his back leg and holds on tight. She hasn't drawn blood yet so I think she's just playing, but I can't help but be reminded of a lion taking down a gazelle every time she does this.
Sophie also likes to dig, tear, chew, and destroy. "Is this puppy or pit bull?", I ask myself. She has chewed through the upholstery on the front of our sofa (thanks Mom for the rapid re-upholstery job), dug at least a dozen holes in Brent's hard earned perfect grass, dug through our mattress (it's been duck taped), destroyed Sam's pillow bed (stuffing was everywhere), and dismembered/maimed almost every Barbie, pony, and baby doll we had (there were quite a few). I offer her rawhides to chew on, normal dogs might take all day or at least a few hours to get through one, she's devoured several by the time Sam has finished his first.
Sophie must also have housecat in her. So often I find her perched on the sofa looking out the window, watching the world go by. She curls up just like a cat too, tail twitching, head and feet touching.
She's also very good at catching flies; she may have learned this from Sam. Sam caught a bee this summer; it was buzzing around his head and the next thing we know we hear this SNAP and SLURP and the bee is gone and Sam is licking his lips.
It's possible that Sophie is also part pig. I have never seen a dog use her snout for nuzzling the way she does. It's like she's looking for truffles the way she roots around with that nose in armpits, crotches, anywhere that suits her fancy. She really has no manners at all.
The children adore her, Brent loves how tough she is, I just think she's funny.
1 comment:
What a great post. I can't believe how much stuff she has destroyed, though. Holy Cow!! You definitely have a greater love of dogs than I do b/c if a had a dog that created that much havoc and destroyed that much stuff he would be gone. =)
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